ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - Members are advised that the AGM invitations have been posted out today, you should start receiving them on Saturday.
The invite includes the Chairmans & Treasurers reports as well as last years AGM minutes, agenda and a paying in slip for next seasons subscriptions. Subscriptions must be paid by midnight on the 15th May, any places not taken up by then will immediately be offered to those on the waiting list.
The AGM is to be held on Thursday 13th April, 7.30 for 8pm start at Sole Bay Bowls Club, Reydon. Subscriptions can be paid at the end of the AGM. Please try to support the raffle by donating prizes and buying tickets, you might be lucky enough to win the one years free subscription.
WAITING LIST - This is the time of year that the waiting list grows rapidly. It is impossible to predict how many spaces will become available but, due to the economic climate, the Committee are recommending that subscriptions are held at last years rates. The number of membership places will be increased to a level to ensure that the Society's income will be as it would have been if subs had gone up. Consequently, this is a good time to apply to join the Society.
Application forms can be downloaded from the membership pages of the Society's website. If you are unable to print out the form then please contact the Membership or Assistant Membership Secretary, Barry or Beverly Reid, on 01502 518198.
All applications must be posted to the address on the form, no electronic submissions please. The first tranche of successful applicants will be contacted on or after the 16th May.