Pit 2 - as we are now out of the bird nesting season, and as widely publicised earlier this year, we now need to finish off installing the middle section of planted coir rolls on Pit 2.
The coir is being delivered this Wednesday 4th September. Installation will commence on Saturday 7th September, consequently the water will be closed from 8am untill 5pm on Saturday.
If you can spare some time to help with this work then please go along to help.
If we get enough help to complete the work in one go we will not then need to shut the water the following Saturday (14th September).
Pit 3 - lots of behind the scenes work has been happening on the project to redevelop the water.
Consultations have taken place with the Environment Agency, Internal Drainage Board, the other 3 adjacent land owners and contractors.
Some on site preparations have taken place ahead of the ground work contractors starting work.
There is still much to do and you are encouraged to attend our Thursday work parties to assist. These and other requests for help will be advertised on facebook and our website as needed so please keep an eye out and help if you can.
The next milestone will be removal of the fish and pumping out the lake to allow the bed to dry out as much as possible before silt is removed.
Sighting of snakes - please be aware that we have received reports of several sightings of adders on footpaths running around our Reydon complex. Please stay alert and keep away from them if you see any.